29 maggio 2010

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Athabasca University Press - Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of LEGO Robots


About the Book

From Bricks to Brains introduces embodied cognitive science, and illustrates its foundational ideas through the construction and observation of LEGO Mindstorms robots.

Discussing the characteristics that distinguish embodied cognitive science from classical cognitive science, From Bricks to Brains places a renewed emphasis on sensing and acting, the importance of embodiment, the exploration of distributed notions of control, and the development of theories by synthesizing simple systems and exploring their behaviour. Numerous examples are used to illustrate a key theme: the importance of an agent’s environment. Even simple agents, such as LEGO robots, are capable of exhibiting complex behaviour when they can sense and affect the world around them.

About the Author

Michael Dawson is a professor of psychology at the University of Alberta. He is the author of numerous scientific papers as well as the books Understanding Cognitive Science (1998), Minds and Machines (2004), and Connectionism: A Hands-on Approach (2005).

Brian Dupuis is a research assistant in psychology at the University of Alberta.

Michael Wilson is a biology undergraduate at the University of Alberta.


Per PPF: dovrebbe piacerti...

Posted via web from Il labaro elettronico

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28 maggio 2010

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85+ Tools & Resources for Freelancers and Web Workers

Interessante e quanto mai varia lista di strumenti online per i freelance...

Posted via web from Il labaro elettronico

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26 maggio 2010

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ThinkGeek :: 25th Anniversary Voltron

Robeasts Beware

Everyone knows that this is the real Voltron, but we don't envy Commander Keith. After all, being the CEO of Defender of the Universe, Inc. is a demanding job. You have to keep the Blazing Sword sharpened at all times. You have to manage the environmental impact of destroying toxic Robeasts on your own planet. You have to wonder when Sven is going to show up and steal the Blue Lion or say something mystical or philosophical that you can't even begin to understand. Why didn't Sven just die like he did in the Japanese version?!? Really, it's not like Command Keith doesn't have enough trouble with Lance always cracking wise and Hunk eating all the Fruit Loops. He can barely get Pidge to focus long enough to get in the Green Lion let alone fly the thing in a straight line...


Alright... Fine! Sven is ten times the pilot that Princess Allura will ever be, but it doesn't really matter. Allura pilots the Blue Lion and she wears a pink jumpsuit, because she's the ruler of the Kingdom of Altair and she pays the bills. Are you happy now?

In any case, we're sure that Prince Lotor would like to get his hands on this gorgeous 25th Anniversary Voltron set. Sadly for the son of Zarkon, Princess Allura is not included. However, all five transformable lions are in the set and when you assemble them to form Voltron he'll stand an 12" tall with Blazing Sword and Shield in hand/paw/mouth. Actually, this brings up a good question: Why doesn't Voltron have a thumb? How can you be Defender of the Universe without a thumb?

Put this 1:197 scale replica on your desk and take bets on who says "FORM FEET AND LEGS" vs. "I'll FORM THE HEAD". Use the questions above to continue the conversation until you get to the inevitable debate of Lion Force vs. Vehicle Team.

Noi l'avevamo... o almeno cosi' mi pare di ricordare... :)

Posted via web from Il labaro elettronico

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18 maggio 2010

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Top Rated 3D Video Game Free Until May 24

If you’re a fan of single-player games you’ve probably heard of
Portal. Version 1 was a major hit for Valve Software, and version 2 is
due to be launched in the coming months. As part of a promotional
offer, Portal v1 is currently available as a free download from
Valve’s online store until May 24th. So if you feel like playing, grab
it now


Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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12 maggio 2010

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Sito web di Fabio Cannavaro: esaltazione allo stato puro

Un esempio di sito sobrio, minimalista, senza orpelli:


(Sono ironico, se non si fosse capito)

Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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11 maggio 2010

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Imprime tus fotos y crea tu álbum personal con Fotoalbum con un 80% de descuento

Imprime tus mejores fotos y crea tu propio álbum personal con
Fotoalbum. Paga 5 EUR en lugar de 25 EUR ¡Ahorra un 80%!


Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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Weekly World News gratis su Google libri: imperdibile!!!

Check out this website I found at books.google.com

Posted via web from Il labaro elettronico

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10 maggio 2010

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AkeebaBackup.com :: Akeeba Backup 3.0.b2

Akeeba Backup, per il backup facile di un sito creato con Joomla. Da scaricare e provare. http://www.akeebabackup.com/download/akeeba-backup-30b2/index.html

Posted via web from Il labaro elettronico

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