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Ottobre 2010 - Playlist

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AppMakr Helps You Create Your Own iPhone App for Free, No Coding Necessary

AppMakr Helps You Create Your Own iPhone App for Free, No Coding Necessary

AppMakr Helps You Create Your Own iPhone App for Free, No Coding NecessaryAppMakr Helps You Create Your Own iPhone App for Free, No Coding Necessary

AppMakr is a webapp that lets you design iOS apps with a WYSIWYG editor. It's free to use, and you can create your very own app in just a few minutes.

AppMakr focuses on creating feed-based apps and starts you off by asking you for your web site (or, alternatively, some keywords). From there you'll need to sign up for a free account and you can start creating your app.

The first step involves adding feeds, from text-based feeds to Flickr photos to your Twitter activity.

AppMakr Helps You Create Your Own iPhone App for Free, No Coding Necessary

(Click to enlarge.)

What's great is that you don't even have to find the feed URLs yourself. Although you can add them manually, AppMakr will conduct a search for you and locate any RSS feeds it can find that are related to your app. This is especially helpful with grabbing feeds from Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and similar services.

The visual style of your app is very customizable. You design the icon, splash screen, app header, tab icons, and more. If you don't want to create the graphics yourself, AppMakr provides several options. You can choose from either its database of icons or choose from a number of images it finds via an image search related to your app's content.

AppMakr Helps You Create Your Own iPhone App for Free, No Coding Necessary

(Click to enlarge.)

The only difficult part of the process comes when you have to actually publish your app to the iTunes App Store or test it on your phone. This is a result of Apple's strict security guidelines, but AppMakr does a good job of walking you through the process with clear and easy instructions that are both written and on video. If you've ever wanted to create your own iOS app but don't really have the programming chops, AppMakr is a fun and easy way to do it.

AppMakr is free to use, but it does require that you have an iOS developer account if you actually want to test your app on an iOS device or publish to the iTunes App Store. A developer account will cost you $99/year, but that's a pretty good deal if you're looking to create an easy to use, feed-based application.

Send an email to Adam Dachis, the author of this post, at adachis@lifehacker.com.

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Attualmente il sito dà un errore 503, ma spero torni operativo alla svelta.

Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers

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La sigla dei Simpson ideata da Banksy

Da guardare fino alla fine, la parte interessante è dopo la scena del divano...

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Per quelli che ancora non lo conoscono... qui trovate le istruzioni per fare... di tutto!

Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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Creativity and schizophrenia use similar brain canals

Researchers at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have discovered that the brains of healthy, highly creative people are similar to that of schizophrenic patients in some aspects: in both cases, the dopamine system is involved. The results have been published in the Public Library of Science (PLoS) ONE journal.

Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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James Hance - Relentlessly Cheerful Art

Grafico/illustratore specializzato in "mash-ups".

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Catalogue Vulnavia T-shirts

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Question Time: Informational Crowdsourcing Takes Off, by David Pogue (from Scientific American)

Citato nell'articolo, aardvark.com: noto e caldamente consigliato.

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Testo canzone 'Napoli' di Franco Califano

"napoli" (f.califano)

"napoli" (f.califano)
sara' la nostalgia del sole
lo stesso mare malinconico

guardo venezia e vedo napoli
sara' la nostalgia del sole
lo stesso mare malinconico
la cornice velata e' quella
e la tela sbiadita come giu'
gondoliere ti prego
accompagnami a napoli
la cornice velata e' quella
e la tela sbiadita come giu'
gondoliere ti prego
accompagnami a napoli
una gondola giuro
non corre pericoli
se si arriva dal mare
laggiu' ti rispettano
una gondola giuro
non corre pericoli
se si arriva dal mare
laggiu' ti rispettano
dal mare si
vivo a venezia e penso a napoli
piu' tempo passa e piu' e' cosi'
il mio pensare e' un'abitudine
dal mare si
vivo a venezia e penso a napoli
piu' tempo passa e piu' e' cosi'
il mio pensare e' un'abitudine
come un male che non mi passa
come un male che non mi passa mai
il pensiero consuma la strada
per napoli
come un male che non mi passa
come un male che non mi passa mai
il pensiero consuma la strada
per napoli
e venezia signora
mi offre i suoi vicoli
ma di piu' come puo'
qui' non fanno miracoli
e venezia signora
mi offre i suoi vicoli
ma di piu' come puo'
qui' non fanno miracoli
come a napoli
come a napoli
grazie venezia torno a napoli
ma un po' di me lo lascio qui'
e forse affiorano i miei limiti
grazie venezia torno a napoli
ma un po' di me lo lascio qui'
e forse affiorano i miei limiti
sono un'uomo che torna indietro
sono un'uomo che vuol tornare giu'
gondoliere verra' un pescatore
da napoli
sono un'uomo che torna indietro
sono un'uomo che vuol tornare giu'
gondoliere verra' un pescatore
da napoli
la sua barca non e'
bella come una gondola
ma lui arriva dal mare
tu allora rispettalo
la sua barca non e'
bella come una gondola
ma lui arriva dal mare
tu allora rispettalo
e' come te
a napoli

"gondoliere ti prego / accompagnami a napoli / una gondola giuro / non corre pericoli / se si arriva dal mare / laggiu' ti rispettano"
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Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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Animoto - The End of Slideshows

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Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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Come sarà il futuro lungomare di Badalona

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Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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40th Anniversary of Sesame Street - Google Logos

Sesame Street Ensemble

Download: high resolution image (1200x800 - 186.0KB)

Sesame Street Ensemble

Sesame Street Ensemble Behind The Scenes

Download: high resolution image (1200x800 - 214.0KB)

Sesame Street Ensemble Behind The Scenes

Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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40th Anniversary of Sesame Street - Google Logos

Sesame Street Ensemble

Download: high resolution image (1200x800 - 186.0KB)

Sesame Street Ensemble

Sesame Street Ensemble Behind The Scenes

Download: high resolution image (1200x800 - 214.0KB)

Sesame Street Ensemble Behind The Scenes

Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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The Morgan Freeman Chain of Command

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Poster di telefilm famosi reinterpretati in chiave iconico-minimalista (Albert Exergian)



Alcuni sono quasi irriconoscibili, alcuni più azzeccati di altri, ma nel complesso divertenti.

Posted via email from Il labaro elettronico

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